Solar Nova Scotia’s Voluntary Code of Ethics

For future registrations, each prospective Solar Nova Scotia corporate member must read and signify his/her agreement to adhere to the Code of Ethics below by selecting “I accept these terms” in your application form.

Corporate members of Solar Nova Scotia recognize their obligations to the general public, the consumer, the industry and related professions and industries. These obligations guide the members of the Society to conduct business and promote their products and services in a manner which assures public health, safety and welfare through careful design, installation, operation, maintenance and dissemination of information with respect to solar energy technology and which contributes to the professional advancement of Solar Nova Scotia.

Members shall:

Solar Nova Scotia’s Voluntary Code of Ethics
for Directors and Officers

To show solidarity with and support for its membership, each Director and Officer of Solar Nova Scotia is to be held to the same standards as its member by also agreeing to a Code of Ethics that are similar in character and spirit to the Code agreed to by its corporate members.

Directors and Officers shall:

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